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London Icon 1 Photograph by Gordon James

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Comments (4)

Lynnie Lang

Lynnie Lang

Congratulations on your Special Feature nominated by your fellow artists on 1000 Views on 1 Image! Great work!

Christopher James

Christopher James

One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 Views on One Image Group's Special Features Nominations For Promotion #24 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views on One Image Group....L/F/Tw

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Drama! Love it. l/f and nominated for a Special Feature in the 1000 Views group.

Al Powell Photography USA

Al Powell Photography USA

Interesting image. This would fit well in the "Photography Based Digital Art" group. Here is a Like.

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London Icon 1 by Gordon James
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